=== Simple File List Pro === Contributors: eemitch Tags: file sharing, file list, file uploader, upload files, share files, exchange files, host files, sort files, dropbox, ftp Requires at least: 5.0 Requires PHP: 7.4 Tested up to: 6.3 License: EULA License URI: https://simplefilelist.com/end-user-license-agreement/ == Description == Simple File List Pro gives your WordPress website a list of files and folders which allows your users to open and download them. https://simplefilelist.com == Installation == 1. To install, simply upload the plugin zip file to your Wordpress website and activate it. Configure the simple settings in the new menu that will appear in your sidebar. Explanations of each feature accompany the inputs. 2. To add the plugin to your website, simply add this shortcode: [eeSFL] 3. Customize the shortcode using attributes listed above. == Changelog == = 6.1.12 = * Directory Traversal Vulnerability Fix = 6.1.11 = * Fixed an issue where > 3rd level deep folders were having the slashes stripped from the path. * Removed the front-end message showing the forced sort order. = 6.1.10 = * Fixed an XSS vulnerability. * Added missing File Name label text input on the List Settings tab. * Fixed an issue where some warnings were being throw for some users. = 6.1.8 = * Bug fix where file names with multiple spaces caused an error on upload. * Bug fix applicable to File Access Manager and saving Group List notification settings. * Bug fix where the file Nice Name was ignored if Preserve File Name was OFF. * Improved the plugin activation process. = 6.1.7 = * Bug fix where those with a certain WP configuration saw broken links in the back-end. = 6.1.6 = * Changed the GetURL() function from using site_home() to site_url() in order to more reliable. * Fixed an annoying issue where the maximum size of the file list always reverted back to the default after updating the plugin. * Bug fix where bulk downloading failed on PHP 8 * Removed the Get Shortcode tab. = 6.1.5 = * Added a bunch of new hooks you can use to help make SFL do what you need it to do: ** Uploaded, Added, Removed, Deleted, Edited, Moved, Listed, Loaded, Scanned * Improved the function that obtains the current URL of the page for back-end (AJAX) operations. * Fixed some Undefined Variable notices. = 6.1.4 = * Bug fix where the upload failed to start if non-logged-in user info was not present. * Fixed a function name conflict issue with the free version. = 6.1.3 = * Bug fix where some were experiencing a fatal error upon activation. = 6.1.2 = * Bug fix where sorting was not working. * Bug fix where upload class was throwing an error. = 6.1.1 = * Rewrote the entire upload routine to improve reliability and efficiency. * File Nice Name option is now available in the edit dialog even if Preserve File Name is OFF. * Now recording file owner ID on back-end uploads too. * Improved results messaging, front and back. * Bug fix where if preserving the file name, that name was also used for subsequent files in the upload job. * Bug fix where new media settings panel would not appear. * Bug fix where sorting attributes were not working in the shortcode. = 6.0.16 = * Added support for the new Simple File List Media extension. * Bug fix where files with uppercase extensions which were added outside of the plugin would not create a thumbnail file. * Fixed some low threat XXS vulnerabilities. * Other minor fixes and improvements. = 6.0.15 = * Cleaned up file list display by not showing the item owner/submitter information for yourself. * Fixed an issue where item submitter info was being unnecessarily recorded on the back-end. * Took care of some undefined variable notices. = 6.0.14 = * Bug fix for broken shortcode attributes "hidename" and "hidetype". = 6.0.13 = * Improved the fail condition if bad file list directory. * Improved thumbnails display to use the default icon should the source thumb file be missing. * Bug fix where the description was missing from the upload job. = 6.0.12 = * Bug fix that prevented limited lists from appearing when using File Access Manager * CSS improvements for long file names. = 6.0.11 = * Bug fix where eeSFL_ScrollToIt was not defined. * Bug fix where the file link within the notice email was broken. * Bug fix where the footer language selector was not working. * General code improvements. = 6.0.10 = * Major UI and code base improvements. * NEW -> Added ability to give a file a "Nice Name". This displays in place of the real file and can contain characters that are not allowed in file names. * NEW -> Added option to choose from three responsive file list styles: Table, Tiles or Flex * NEW -> Added option to choose from three theme options: Light, Dark or None. * NEW -> Added option to allow the upload form to appear either above or below the file list. * NEW -> Added option to choose the date type displayed. This shows the selected date type (added or modified) despite the sort settings. * NEW -> Added inputs for customizing the description and file submitter label text. * NEW -> Added an option to bypass the post-upload results page and go straight to the file list. * NEW -> Added shortcode display with copy-to-clipboard button to admin UI (top-right) * NEW -> Added ability to override the locale setting in order to display English on the back-end list and settings tabs. * NEW -> Option to allow for multiple folders/files to be downloaded as a ZIP file. * Added hotlink protection (Apache Only) to prevent direct access to files within lists restricted to logged in users. * Redesigned the File Edit dialog to open in a modal dialog box rather than inline with the file. All changes can be saved at once now. * Improved the upload form to display a list of the files to be uploaded. You can also remove individual files if needed. * Separated the 'Get Uploader Info' form settings. Now you can get the description and/or the submitter's information, rather than only both. * The file list table is now responsive, shifting to a vertical block display on small screens. * Removed the Shortcode Builder. If you need to over-ride existing list settings, refer to: https://simplefilelist.com/shortcode/ for a list of attributes. * Now Requires PHP 7 + = 5.4.5 = * Bug fix where the plugin wasn't checking for a new auto-update token. * Added ability to add custom thumbnail icons. See ee-simple-file-list-pro-custom.php in the plugin folder. * Improved raw outputs view on the Tools tab. Also now forces a registration check and updater token change checks. = 5.4.4 = * Added ability to create video thumbnails for the WebM format. * Fixed where a double-slash in the item's path would cause Error 99. * Bug fix where the site's URL was missing (unpredictably) from file and folder link URLs on the Admin side. * Replaced the Author tab on with a My Account tab on the back-end. * Added plugin file, version.txt, for My Account remote version checking. = 5.4.3 = * NEW - You can now extract a ZIP archive to a local folder. * Clicking Re-Scan now brings you to the current location, rather than the list root. * Manual file re-scans will now notify you if files on the disk were skipped. * Improved folder name sanitizing. * Added the ability to customize class properties using an optional included file. * Bug fix where the parent of the parent folder was missing from the destination choices. = 5.4.2 = * Added automatic thumbnail generation for TIFF (.tif & .tiff) image file types. * Bug fix where disallowed file types were being listed if added outside the plugin. * Various under-the-hood improvements. = 5.4.1 = * Major improvements to cache usage. ** Added options to re-scan for each page load, each hour, each day, or only manually using the "Re-Scan Files" button. * Added new option settings to allow you to individually show or hide the Open, Download and/or Copy Link actions on the front-end. * Added a new option setting to Enable or Disable the front-side Smooth Scrolling effect. Default remains ON. It's NOT annoying ;-) * Improved the main disk scanning method... ** Some folders were not being detected properly if added outside the plugin. ** Removed a superfluous sort operation, plus a secondary processing loop, speeding up the re-scan process. * Repeat clicks on the Download Folder links are now being prevented. * Added a fix to prevent the "All in One SEO" plugin from pre-parsing Simple File List shortcode, which was breaking front-end features. ** See: https://aioseo.com/docs/aioseo_conflicting_shortcodes/ * Added a check to see if the PHP function shell_exec() is available, no video or PDF thumbs for you if not. * Improved activation, registration and update checking speeds. * Numerous under-the hood improvements. = 5.3.4 = * Improved background tasks performance and associated process logging. * Bug fix where the thumbnail generator background task was not being stopped when thumb display was turned off in the settings. * Bug fix where changes to the sort settings were not immediately displayed. = 5.3.3 = * Bug fix where generated thumbnails were not getting updated when the main files were moved, renamed or deleted. * Bug fix where file names using multiple spaces was causing the post-upload processor to fail. * Bug fix where the displayed max upload size was not accurate in some cases. * Improved the search results display to show a clickable folder path below files found within folders. = 5.3.2 = * If using the cache, list re-scanning is now done on a background schedule, rather than after an expiration date. * Added ability to generate thumbnails for PDF files. (by popular demand) * Added settings options for generating image, PDF and video thumbnails. * Front-end file moving now is limited to only the folder displayed by the shortcode and under. Upward folders are no longer visible. * Media thumbnails are now generated as a separate background task, which speeds up uploads and page loads if not using the cache. * Added a shortcode snippet display to the upper-right of the Admin List, which defines the currently viewed list and folder location. * Bug fix where thumbnails were not displaying for sub-folder search results. * PHP 8 Approved = 5.2.12 = * Bug fix addressed issues when scanning for externally added files. = 5.2.10 = * Language improvements * Bug fixes = 5.2.9 = * Removed HTML, HTM from list of forbidden file types. * Bug fix where file description was not removable. * Bug fix where file size and dates were not updated if overwriting. * Language fixes. = 5.2.8 = * Bug fix where if overwriting was allowed, a second entry was erroneously added to the array anyway. * Fixed the double-pipe display issue for when using File Send but not Allow Front Manage. * Addressed an issue where the mime_content_type function does not exist in some versions of PHP 7.3, throwing a fatal error. * Removed the use of the array_key_first function because too many people won't update PHP to 7.1 = 5.2.7 = * Bug fix where breadcrumb trail was not showing on the front-side. * Bug fix where the folder link was bad immediately after renaming it. * Now showing a warning is Multisite is enabled. Multisite is not supported, never has been. = 5.2.6 = * MAJOR UPDATE - Simple File List Pro 5.2 brings many new features and a redesigned core engine focused on speed and memory efficiency. * NEW - Added Bulk File Operations; Move Files, Delete Files, Download in ZIP, Apply Description to Files. * NEW - Added new file operation to allow front-side users to be able to download a folder as a ZIP file. * NEW - Added a "Copy Link" file operation. This copies the file's URL to your clipboard. * NEW - Added the ability to edit the file modification date. * NEW - Sorting options now available for Date Added and Date Modified. * IMPROVED - Original file modification date is now preserved for file uploads. * IMPROVED - Simplified Re-Scan Interval by changing to an ON/OFF setting. If ON, File List Cache expires in 3 hours, else the disk is scanned on each page load. * IMPROVED - Added smooth-scrolling down to the file list section after upload or other type of file list operation. * IMPROVED - Redesigned the Edit File Details dialog. * IMPROVED - Reorganizing the File List Settings tabs. * IMPROVED - Admins can now always add file descriptions when uploading on the back-end. * IMPROVED - Admins now see all file details on the back-end, regardless of front-side settings. * IMPROVED - Added raw array outputs (files, settings, environment and runtime log) to the Tools tab for trouble-shooting. * IMPROVED - Improved existing and added translations * IMPROVED - Added MIDI file type icon. * IMPROVED - Added Danish and Czech translations. * BUG FIXES - Many bug fixes and under-the-hood speed and security improvements. * SECURITY - Now detecting and deleting corrupt image files upon upload to prevent malware files from being listed. * IMPORTANT - The main plugin and extensions must be updated at the same time. = 5.1.12 = * Fixed broken link and file size in notice email when uploading into a sub-folder. = 5.1.11 = * Improvements to the thumbnail creator method. * Code improvements regarding File Access Manager. = 5.1.10 = * Bug fix where file scanner was throwing a warning. = 5.1.9 = * Under-the-hood improvements = 5.1.8 = * Bug fix where the URL was missing in notice messages. = 5.1.7 = * Moved the "Delete" button from inside the File Edit dialog up to the File Actions links. (By popular demand) * Fixed a pesky bug where uploading a file with a name that required changing did not show in the confirmation list and wrongly applied meta data to the existing file. * Now updating the file modification date if file meta data is added or changed. * Process logging improvements. * More updates to File Access Manager integration. = 5.1.6 = * Fixed an issue where the user info was not being saved if uploading from within a front-side folder. * Changed functionality so that file name formatting is not reflected in the downloaded file. = 5.1.5 = * Fixed a bug where the logged-in file owner's name was not being displayed. * Fixed a bug where the "Get Submitter Information" setting was getting cleared when saving Upload Settings. * French and German language improvement. * Code improvements. * More updates to File Access Manager integration. = 5.1.4 = * Added a Tools tab which allows resetting of the list setting, file list array and cleanup of orphaned thumbnail files. * Added a support request checkup page. * Fixed a bug in the settings forms. * Minor changes to the admin screens and File Access Manager integration. = 5.1.3 = * Further updates to File Access Manager integration. = 5.1.2 = * Minor update to File Access Manager integration. * Changes to update checker. * Language changes and additions. = 5.1.1 = * Added option to allow the file sender to receive a blind copy of the message. * Now showing the folder's item count in the size column if Calculate Folder Sizes is turned off. * Improved checking/writing the protective index.html file in the main file list directory. * Folder date now reflects date of the last file added or removed, rather than creation date. * Now preventing home files from being shown if the folder defined in the shortcode does not exist. = 5.0.1 = * Integrated the Folder Extension into the main plugin. * More code improvements. * FREE auto-registration for extension users. ** Simple File List Pro will soon require payment. All current extension users will receive free registration. = 4.3.1 = * Rebranded to Simple file List Pro. * Completed full security audit. * Numerous code improvements. = 4.2.9 = * BRANCH - Simple File List branched into Simple File List Pro * https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-file-list/ * Fixed a security issue for non-Linux users who allow front-side file management.