Accessing Simple File List Data

DRAFT Simple File List stores data related to a file list in two places; the file list array the file list settings array. The settings array contains information that defines how the file list appears and behaves, while the file list array contains information about each file and folder. This article should help you understand … Read more

Custom Hooks

Simple File List includes numerous hooks you can use in order to extend its functionality and integration with your theme or other plugins. In addition knowing when an action occurred, SFL custom hooks also return an array containing messages related to the action process. File Uploads Hooks These hooks will fire after a successful file … Read more

Simple File List 6

The latest major release of the best file sharing plugin for WordPress is here. Simple File List 6 brings many new features and improvements that people have been asking for. New Features and Improvements Major UI and Code Base Improvements This version began by focusing on sweeping improvements to the eeSFL core. Version 6 code … Read more

What is Error 99 :-(

Security is a major focus for Simple File List. Because by its very nature this plugin allows access to the file system, great care is taken to ensure hackers cannot easily abuse your website and web server. A major threat to anyone allowing adding or editing files on the disk from a publicly accessible website … Read more

File Scanning and Performance

When you install Simple File List the plugin will create a new directory within your WordPress uploads directory intentionally separate from the WordPress Media Library. The default location is: The Pro version allows you to change this location, as long as it remains relative to your WordPress home folder. No matter where you put this … Read more

The Tools Tab

Simple File List Pro offers an extra tab within the Admin File List to give you access to some helpful troubleshooting and cleanup tools. Reset the File Array The plugin stores data about each file within an array stored in the WordPress database, such as nice names, descriptions, the date added and owner information. You … Read more

Admin File List

The Admin File List, on the back-end of your site, serves as the main location to manage your files and lists. Here you can add, edit and delete anything in the list. Upload Files Click this button to open the upload form. Click it again to close it. Re-Scan Files Click the re-scan button to … Read more

Simple File List Minimum Requirements

Hosting Apache, Ngnix* or Microsoft IIS* IMPORTANT – Your web host must honer the WordPress ABSPATH constant. Most do. * Simple File List cannot automatically create direct-linking (hot-linking) protection on these platforms. You must manually protect each directory as needed. PHP Requires PHP 7 or Up WordPress Requires WordPress 5 and Up NOTE – WordPress … Read more

How Can I Completely Hide a Folder From View

Here’s a neat trick you can use if you want to completely hide a folder, both front and back. Navigate to the folder you want to hide using FTP or your web host’s file manager application. Be sure its setting for “Show Hidden Items” is ON. You should be able to see the .thumbnails folders. … Read more

What Are WordPress Shortcodes?

WordPress shortcodes are an ingenious way to add complex theme and plugin functionality to your website. You just put the shortcode snippet directly into your content and when your page is shown, WordPress swaps the shortcode snippet with the functionality defined within it. 1 ThumbNameSizeDate 0 bd9e1a5ee1 The brackets define the shortcode section. Use double-brackets … Read more

How to Add a Basic Front End Login Form

I created this FREE WordPress plugin which adds a basic front-end login to any page, post or widget. Upon login, the page redirects to a place you choose. It also can block access to the back-end and hides the Admin Bar for selected WordPress roles. This plugin is for when you want your users to … Read more

File Access Manager – Getting Started

Getting Started An overview of the steps to get File Access Manager working. 1) Activate the File Access Manager Make sure the main Simple File List plugin is active, then activate the File Access Manager extension plugin. Go to the File List Pro settings menu. 2) Select the Mode You will see this dialog asking … Read more

Are there any File or Folder Naming Restrictions?

Yes File and folder naming is something I struggle with continually. European and eastern languages are a particular challenge. Unfortunately, file naming rules are different for each operating system, as well as for HTTP. What works on your machine, might not work as a URL. So I do my best. Whatever you upload or add … Read more

How Do I Prevent Users From Downloading Files?

Many have asked how to show people their files, but not allow them to download copies for themselves. This sounds like a reasonable request. Unfortunately, you cannot prevent this. You can prevent access to files behind a login, but once you reveal the file contents, it can be copied. When a user views an image, … Read more

Notification Settings

Send an email notification when a file is uploaded on the front-side of the website. Check the box to enable notifications. Notice Recipients Notice EmailSend an email here whenever a file is uploaded. Separate multiple addresses with a comma. Copy to EmailCopy notice emails to these addresses. Separate multiple addresses with a comma. Blind Copy … Read more

How Do I Manually Update a Plugin?

If you have the zip file of a newer version of a plugin, you can manually update it as opposed to using the built-in updater. Here’s how… Deactivate the current plugin. If you want to save it, use a file manager or FTP to download it. Now Delete the plugin. This only affects the plugin … Read more

Can I Add an Extension for a Local Host

Yes, you can certainly run the extensions on a local environment, as long as your WordPress install has web access for installing and updates. Go to the Add Features tab and then click on the Add Now button. The registration page will load and recognize that your website is not publicly accessible. Use an email … Read more

How to Install Simple File List Pro

Installation Instructions 1) Download the file, once the purchase process is complete. You can also get the latest version of this file later within your SFL Dashboard. 2) Go to your WordPress Dashboard and then click on the Plugins menu item. (You must be an Admin to see this) 3) Click the ADD NEW … Read more

How to Organize Your Files into Folders

The free Simple File List WordPress plugin provides a basic solution for listing and managing downloadable files on your website. Simple File List Pro adds the ability to add an unlimited amount of folders and sub-folders to your main file list. You can show a main file list which displays your sub-folders, or show specific … Read more